business ADVISORY

“Whatever Clifford says he is going to do he does exactly that, for him it’s not just about making recommendations but getting results”
– Sieu Rambhajan, Executive Chairman, Titan Logistics and Support Services Limited
New and Existing Business Development/ Relationships
We guide our clients through the process of establishing a new business or reconfiguring their existing business by converting ideas into objectives, developing business/project plans, accessing finance, securing legal compliance and establishing processes. Sectors include, Oil & Gas, Banking and Professional Services.
Also businesses can take several forms such as a sole proprietorship, a general partnership, a limited partnership or a limited liability company. We provide guidance on the most appropriate business structure and draft the necessary agreements and prepare all the required documentation.
Corporate Governance
We advise on the general policies and the mandatory formal requirements as per the relevant laws of the applicable jurisdiction with respect to the conduct and decision-making responsibilities of a corporation.
We provide the services to assist in the maintenance of the corporation’s Minute Book which can include, amongst other formalities, Corporate Articles, By Laws, Directors Register, Officer Register, Resolutions and Minutes, Share Certificates and Unanimous Shareholders Agreement.