Photo by Gabriel Benois
The last couple of years have seen significant changes to the legal profession.
Traditionally the profession relied on a physical presence to convincingly advance its points. However, with the use of virtual technology in conducting court proceedings, meetings, and overall communications, which was previously viewed as a convenient alternative, is now seen as the default manner to conduct day to day business.
This shift to technology has seen the emergence of remote work. Though there are many areas of legal profession where this has been adapted, the impact of In-house Counsel (Remote) Service is what I’ll like to focus on.
Without a doubt there are benefits of retaining In-house Counsel, see Five Benefits of Hiring In-House Counsel and Why Startups Should Hire In-House Counsel To Increase Profit From The Start
But In-House Counsel working remotely?
Advantages from the business perspective:
(1) Businesses can choose from a pool of experienced legal professionals not limited by location; (2) Businesses have more of a leverage; (3) Increase in productivity and better time management; (4) Clear deliverables where expectations are defined; (5) Greater accountability (visible electronic trails); (6) Cost reductions as it’s less expensive to retain an in-house counsel remotely rather than an in-house counsel on payroll with all the associated costs; And (7) Simple and quick to implement.
Advantages from the legal professional perspective:
(1) Greater flexibility and convenience; (2) Increase productivity; (3) Generally, less stressful and an improvement in the health and wellness of the legal professional; (4) Cost reduction as it’s less expensive to have virtual meetings instead of the associated costs for setting up offices or conference rooms; And (5) Simple and quick to implement.
Disadvantages from the business perspective:
(1) Trust issues; (2) Lack of interactions creating a challenge for team building or even collaborations; And (3) Reliance on technology including cybersecurity and digital data management.
Disadvantages from the legal professional perspective:
(1) Difficulties in setting boundaries with respect to kids, pets and even the delivery guy, particularly if working from home; And (2) Reliance on technology including cybersecurity and digital data management.
In the addition to these pros and cons, the 2021 Legal Trends Report indicates that clients are willing to work remotely with Counsel. Market Update -Canadian Legal Recruitment Trends For 2022 states that hybrid working is here to stay, and workplace expectations have changed.
Based on the trends, no doubt influenced by the situation of the last couple of years, and weighing the pros and cons, remote working combined with the benefits of having In-house Counsel has transformed the legal industry.
Both legal professionals and businesses should be responsive to these trends (supported by seamless technological innovation) by adapting their strategies and operations to maximize the advantages of an In-House Counsel (Remote) Service.
Contact us at and inquire about our In-house Counsel (Remote) Service.